Dear {firstname},
Hello and welcome to the 24/25 academic year from your Union,
As a recent student, I understand the mixed emotions of starting or returning to campus. I know that it's not always easy to believe that 'you'll be alright'. I'm reminding you that the Union is here for you. We're committed to listening to your concerns and supporting your academic journey. Our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring that every student feels valued and included.
If you're looking to socialise and meet new people, you're in for a treat during Welcome Week from 17th to 20th September. We have an exciting array of activities ranging from Film Night, Drag Bingo, and Sailing Club Experience sessions. And if these kinds of activities aren't your cup of tea, there are plenty of other options. You might want to consider being part of the Student Voice, sign up to be a Course Rep, join or start a Society, or even run to be a Part-Time Officer, all of this information is on our Website www.newmansu.org and we will share this on our socials too, give us a follow!
This year will be amazing. We hope to have something for everyone, and if you feel we don't, you must let us know. Remember, one of our core values is inclusivity. You matter, and your input is invaluable to us.
See you on campus,
Find us on: Facebook or Instagram
Look Amazing on Campus
The Union stocks a full range of University branded clothing from our Campus Essentials range of hoodies, t-shirts and xip-ups to our new Premium Organic Range, click here to visit the online shop or pop into the offices and try before you buy.
Exlusively until the end of Welcome Week, grab your Welcome Packs, starting at £30 for a Hoodie and T-Shirt (usual price £37.50) by clicking here.
Welcome Week 2024
The Wecome Week celebrations kick off from Monday 16th September until Friday 20th. Hang out with your new friends and classmates. We have a fun packed week planned, including Drag Bingo, Games Night, Movie Night and the now legendary Newman Night Out. To find out more and to buy tickets, please click here.
Welcome Fair 2024
Our Annual Welcome Fair is your chance to find out about the Students' Union, join one of our many Student-Led Societies or meet some of companies and charities with something to offer you. Free for everyone from 10am-3pm on Tuesday 17th September in the Atrium. Feel free to pop in at any point in the day.
Got something on your mind?
Why not call into the Union Offices on Thursday 12th September, 1-2pm for a ‘Cuppa & Chat’ with the Union President and like-minded students to discuss everything and anything. All welcome, free tea and coffee available.