Voting and how a student votes is an entirely secret process and any interference with this process is a serious breach of the regulations and the spirit of a free and fair election. The rules set out here aim to prevent any such breaches. Please make sure as a candidate you read these and ensure anyone campaigning on your behalf has read and understood them as well.
- Candidates and campaigners must allow voters to cast their vote freely and must not communicate with voters in any way once they have begun to complete their voting.
- Approaching another student (face to face or virtually) and requesting or seeking, by whatever means, personal information required to cast a vote is strictly prohibited.
- No candidate or campaigner will cast or attempt to cast a vote or encourage another person to cast a vote on behalf of another student. The use of any electronic devices to encourage or help others to cast votes e.g. laptops, iPads, smartphones is prohibited. You cannot help a student to vote and must direct them to the SU website.