To stand in the SU Elections for either Officer Trustee or Part Time Positions you must meet the following eligibility creiteria as laid out in Bye-Law A:
- As outlined in Bye Law A all candidates must be full members of the Union until the results have been announced.
- No student shall be eligible to serve more than two terms as an Officer Trustee.
- Officer Trustees are not able to hold positions on Society committees during their term of office.
- Candidates may not stand for more than one vacant Officer Position. This excludes the position of NUS Conference Delegate.
- Serving Officer Trustees may not stand for another Officer Trustee position in a By-election during the same period of office.
- Candidates for Officer Trustee or Part-Time Officer positions should not put their academic studies at risk through the elections process or through taking up an Officer position and be confident at the point of nomination that they are in good standing academically and able to commit to the role for the duration of the term of office.
- The Union reserves the right to contact a candidates’ course leader to check their academic status and that they are progressing well.
- If there are concerns, the Union also reserves the right to discuss the issue with the candidate, together with their course leader and, if necessary, to recommend that they do not run for office.
- The Union’s staff team will work with the University to ensure all candidates who are non-UK nationals receive support and advice to obtain the correct visas. Where we identify that prospective candidates will be ineligible for a visa to work as an Officer Trustee we will notify that candidate.
Additional requirements for Officer Trustee candidates:
All candidates for Officer Trustee positions must be eligible to be a charitable trustee in line with guidance published by the Charity Commission.
- All candidates for Officer Trustee positions will be required to sign a Trustee Eligibility Declaration before their nomination is approved.
Charity Commission Guidance can be found by clicking here or feel free to speak to a member of the SU Elections Team.