The President is a full time Officer Trustee position for one year. They are responsible for Co-Chairing the Trustee Board and Chairing the Voice & Support Sub-Committee of the Union, along with being a member of the University Council.
Alongside this, the President leads the Academic Rep system in the Union and plays a leading role of the Voice department of the Union. They play a crucial role in representing students within the Students’ Union, the University and the wider community.
The President works closely with the Union’s full-time Director to oversee the day-to-day running of the Union services and facilities. They will also work with the Director in determining and delivering the Strategy for the organisation.
Some of the President's duties include:
- To attend all relevant University and Students’ Union Committees.
- Be the lead voting member of the Students’ Union for NUS National Conference.
- Be the main contact for bodies to which the Union may be affiliated to.
- To lead the Voice & Support Sub-Committee.
- Oversee and maintain the Students’ Union’s Policies.
- To work with the permanent staff team of the Union to deliver relevant and value for money services to students.
- To ensure all policies of the Union are up to date and adhered to.
- To ensure compliance with the Union Consitution.
To find out more about the role of the President and the Trustee Board, take a look at the reources below:
Union Constitution - Click Here.
Union Bye Law B (Elected Officers & The Trustee Board) - Click Here.