The Vice-President is a full time Officer Trustee position for one year. They are responsible for supporting and promoting the wellbeing of students at Birmingham Newman University. Through engagement with students and part-time officers they are responsible for building the community at the University through student groups, clubs, events and initiatives.
Through their attendance on University and Union committees they further student interests and work to improve the student experience for all. They are a member of the Union’s Trustee Board and Chair the Community & Wellbeing Sub-committee. They are crucial in promoting diversity and inclusion in all activities at Newman.
The Vice-President works closely with the permanent Union Staff team to deliver events, services and initiatives for students.
Some of the Vice-President's duties include:
- To attend all relevant University and Students’ Union Committees.
- Promote the equality of opportunity for all Birmingham Newman University students.
- Be responsible for developing new and innovative ways to communicate with the membership.
- To lead the Community & Wellbeing Sub-Committee.
- Enure the Union is ‘green’ and work with the University on any relevant environmental campaigns
- To work with the permanent staff team of the Union to deliver relevant and value for money services to students.
- To ensure compliance with the Union Consitution.
- Co-ordinate Students’ Union events.
To find out more about the role of the Vice-President and the Trustee Board, take a look at the reources below:
Union Constitution - Click Here.
Union Bye Law B (Elected Officers & The Trustee Board) - Click Here.