In the new structure of the Union developed in the summer of 2024, what had previously been called the Executive Committee has been replaced by a new set of Part-Time Officer positions that best represent the community at Newman.
These Part-Time Officers form the major part of Student Council, alongside the Faculty Reps and the Officer Trustees (President & Vice-President). Each of the Part-Time Officers will also be required to sit on one of 2 sub-committes of Student Council. Each role has its own remit or consituency of students that it represents, giving the broadest student voice possible to affect change in the Union, University and wider community.
There are some general repsonsibilities that all Part-Time Officers must fulfill as detailed in the 'General Responsibilities' section. Alongside those, as Officers you have an opportunity to shape these roles to suit the needs of the student body and your own ambitions.
Bring your creativity and ability to communicate with like-minded students to influence positive change at Birmingham Newman University.
As a Part-Time Officer you will also get the opportunity to sit on University Committees, having a direct impact on the Student experience for yourself and your colleagues.
The available positions are shown below, set out in their relevant Sub-Committee.
Voice & Support - President (Chair)
- Union Chair
- Academic Affairs Officer
- Campaigns & Communications Officer
- Postgraduate Students Officer
- Accessibility & Inclusion Officer
To view more about this Sub-Committe and the individual roles click here.
Community & Wellbeing - Vice-President (Chair)
- LGBTQ+ Officer
- Wellbeing Officer
- REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage) Officer
- Mature Students Officer
- Environment & Sustainability Officer
To view more about this Sub-Committe and the individual roles click here.
Not sure which position to run for?
Come along to one of our information sessions or pop into the Union Offices and chat with one of the SU Elections Team.