The Community & Wellbeing Sub-Committee is chaired by the Vice- President and meets fortnightly during term-time. This Sub-committee brings together a set of Part-Time Officers to enact their manifestos in relationship to enhancing the community at Newman, bringing student activities, projects, societies and projects to life.
The main areas of responsibsility for this Sub-Committee are:
- The health, welfare and wellbeing of students.
- Changes to Union, University and external policies that may impact on members life as students.
- Diversity and inclusion, including protected characteristics, faith and beliefs.
- The development of a strong student community.
- Supporting and developing student-led societies, projects, events and initiatives
- Sustainability and the University environment.
- Discuss and formulate policy on the topics above to be submitted to Student Council.
- To receive updates and feedback from Union Societies and the Vice- President.
- To work with the President and Vice-President to promote the Union’s work within the University and externally.
Each of the Part-Time Officers who make up the Sub-Committee will bring a fresh perspective to the issues being discussed and have their own objectives to fulfill. Those roles are broken down a little more here:
LGBTQ+ Officer
- To represent and advance the interests of LGBTQ+ students at the University.
- To ensure that the Union’s activities and services are accessible to LGBTQ+ students.
- To combat Gender and Sexually Diverse based discrimination and provide support to LGBTQ+ students.
Wellbeing Officer
- Assist the Vice-President in their duties regarding the promotion and support of student-led societies, projects, events and initiatives.
- Conduct wellbeing related campaigns.
- To promote a healthy living lifestyle to students at Birmingham Newman University.
REACH (Race, Equality & Cultural Heritage)
- To represent and advance the interests of Global Majority students at the University.
- To ensure that the Union’s activities and services are accessible to Global Majority students at the University.
- To enhance the Global Majority community at the University withe events, projects and initiatives.
Mature Students
- To represent and advance the interests of Mature students at the University.
- To work with the Officer Team to develop events, projects and initiatives to meet the needs of Mature students.
- To campaign for improvements to the academic experience to meet the needs of Mature students.
Environment & Sustainability
- To work with the Officer Trustees and Union staff to ensure the Union acts in an ethical and sustainable manner.
- To be the lead Union Officer on the Union’s work during Green Week.
- To campaign and lobby the University to ensure it meets its environmental objectives and responsibilities.
If these positions aren't for you, take a look at the Voice & Support Part-Time Officer positions by clicking here.