The Student Council is 'the Parliament' of the Newman Student body. Any student member is able to attend meetings, put forward agenda items, and debate the issues of the meeting. There are representatives from the different 'constituencies' (in Newman’s case our Faculty Reps, Part-Time Officers and Officer Trustees) who vote on motions. Items which any student can submit to Student Council include motions to create policy or motions to create a mandate. These can be submitted as motions directly to Student Council, through the Sub-Committees of Council or on the Ideas Forum section of the Union website.
Our Student Council helps to ensure that students remain at the centre of our work and can drive our policy and campaigning agenda.
Student Council is an opportunity to speak to the Officer Trustees and Part-Time Officers and find out what they have been up to, and ask questions about the work they have been doing.
Student Council is chaired by a new position, the Union Chair. The Student Council has two sub-committees, the Voice & Support Committee, which is chaired by the President and the Community & Wellbeing Committee, chaired by the Vice-President. These committees are made up of Part-Time Officers who sit on council and these committees deal with delivering much of the work of the Union, alongside the full-time staff.
To find out more about Governance & Decision making at the Union and how Student Council and the Sub-Committees fit in, click here to read the relevant Bye Law.