The Voice & Support Sub-Committee is chaired by the President and meets fortnightly during term-time. This Sub-committee brings together a set of Part-Time Officers to enact their manifestos in relationship to amplifying the student voice and idfenifying areas of support for students that can be improved or championed.
The main areas of responsibsility for this Sub-Committee are to consider:
- Academic provision at Birmingham Newman University.
- Changes to Union, University and external policies that may impact on membersability to study.
- Trends in Academic Issues being reported through the Union’s Advice Service.
- Representing Birmingham Newman University on National Issues.
- Campaigns as identified through policy set by Union Council.
- Public relations.
- Discuss changes to University and external policies that will impact on the student body at Newman.
- Receive updates from Faculty Representatives and President.
- To work with the President to promote the Union’s work within the University and externally.
Each of the Part-Time Officers who make up the Sub-Committee will bring a fresh perspective to the issues being discussed and have their own objectives to fulfill. Those roles are broken down a little more here:
Union Chair​
- Chair Student Council meetings.
- Be a Trustee of the Union.
- To promote involvement in the Governance structures of the Union to students.
- To lead the work of the Student Council in holding the Officer Trustees to account.
Academic Affairs
- Assist the President in co-ordinating the Academic Rep. System.
- Represent the concerns and aspirations of the student body in relation to academic provision.
- Campaign on academic -related issues at the University.
Campaigns & Communications
- Work with the Officer Team to co-ordinate liberation and inclusion campaigns.
- Find new and innovative ways to communicate with the members.
- Co-ordinate all campaign activity as directed by Student Council.
Postgraduate Students
- To represent and advance the interests of postgraduate students at the University.
- To work with the Officer Team to develop events, projects and initiatives to meet the needs of Postgraduate students.
Access & Inclusion
- Represent the voice of disabled students in Union decision making
- To work with the Officer Trustees to lobby the University to make the campus more accessible and inclusive to students.
- Encourage greater involvement of disabled students in Union affairs.
If these positions aren't for you, take a look at the Community & Wellbeing Part-Time Officer positions by clicking here.