Dear {firstname},
It has been a while since I sent you an email, but I appreciate you have been busy with your studies. However, I wanted to highlight what the Union is up to and the events we have before the end of the semester.
We now have eight part-time officers:
Union Chair - Poppie Crompton
Academic Affairs - Josh Rigsby
Environment & Sustainability Officer- Emily Mae Hawkins
LGBTQ+ Officer - Reece Christie
Wellbeing Officer - Shai Hutchinson
REACH Officer - Daniel Johnson
Mature Students Officer - Steven Alexander
Access & Inclusion Officer - Jayden Leaman-Hewitt
As we move forward in the academic year, the Union will be actively seeking your feedback through short questionnaires such as Lecture recordings. Your input is invaluable and will help our Officers implement their manifestos and bring about positive changes that reflect your needs and aspirations.
If you would like to take part in this survey, please click here. On completion you will entered inton a prize draw for a £20 Amazon Voucher.
Also, if you are interested in expanding your CV, you might want to sit on a validation panel. This is where student contribute their thoughts on validating or re-validating courses that the university offers. To find out more about this opportunity, click here.
To help keep you informed about the work of the Union, Cloudy, the Union Vice-President has created a bi-monthly newsletter. To read the first issue, click here.
Monday 9th December Festive Film Night ST002
Tuesday, December 10, Jolly Jumper Day, raising money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital and the Newman Christmas Night Out in Birmingham including a visit to the Frankfurt Christmas Market and then onto a bar crawl on Broad Street.
Wednesday 11th December Unions Christmas Quiz, 1 pm in the Students' Union
Thursday 12th December Society Pyjama Party
Friday, December 13: Santa Grotto and a play based on Little Red Riding Hood
Santa's Grotto is a bookable event held from 4-6 pm for students to collect their children. This will be a free event with a small gift for each child. The Union is working with MadSoc (Music and Drama Society) and student volunteers to bring this to life; your support of this event is greatly appreciated. MadSoc is running the play, and it will be 30/40 minutes long. All children are welcome to come to this free event.
Don’t forget there is still the weekly Cuppa & Chats in the SU on Monday 25th November at 11am, and Tuesday 3rd, December at 2pm, with the final one of this semester being rolled into the Unions Christmas Quiz on Wednesday 11th December starting at 1 pm (originally due to begin at 2 pm).
