Dear {firstname},
Hope you are all settling back into life at Newman well as the second semester continues in full swing!
We are coming up to our lets talk week and our week full of focus groups (then I promise to stop bombarding you with emails about it!)
The groups will be held next week and will be targetted towards groups of students that we would really love to hear more from and will last no longer than 1 hour. They will be faciliated by an external consultant and will be held on campus with the provision of MS Teams where necessary.
The groups we are particularly interested in are:
- First Year and Foundation Year Students
- Final Year Students
- Postgraduate and Part Time Students
- Commuting Students
- Mature Students
- Students with chilren or caring responsibilities.
If you are interested in being a part of one of these focus groups then please click here.
As well as this, Refershers is in full swing and for £10 but you can still get involved! For £10 you can get:
- Welcome Back Party - £5 if bought individually
- Broad Street Bar Crawl - £7 if bought individually.
We will stop selling the full wristband tomorrow at 5:00pm but you can buy bar crawl wristbands up until 5:00pm next Tuesday.
You can buy wristbands for this here.
Lots of loving,
Zoe Harrison
