Dear {firstname},
I hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine, I am!
Later this week, the Unions' Access and Inclusion Officer was scheduled to lead the Navigating Newman Day. However, upon reflection, we realised that later this month we have the opportunity to celebrate Disabled Access Day, which occurs every two years. With this in mind, we have decided to switch our plans and celebrate Disabled Access Day on Thursday, March 20th.
The purpose of this event is to:
Highlight the positive accessibility practices, resources and services existing within the university.
Gather students' insights on their lived experiences. Providing a platform for students and staff to engage in conversations with individuals within the community.
Offer campus tours that focus on accessibility from the perspective of those with access needs.
Your Access & Inclusion Officer, Jayden, would love to hear from you if you are part of this community, are willing to share your experiences or get involved on the day, please email Jayden at
You might not be aware, but since taking on the role of Access & Inclusion Officer, Jayden has actively incorporated feedback from students with access needs. They are collaborating with Estates to enhance wheelchair access in the Julian building and improve entry into the Hilda building. Additionally, they have worked to ammend the light switches in the Exchange Rooms in the library to give students more control over their sensory experiences. Jayden also organised a Sensory First Workshop and is currently working with the library to promote the accessibility resources available.
I trust that you are in good hands when sharing your personal experiences and suggestions for improvement with Jayden. We look forward to seeing you on March 20th from 12pm- 3pm.
Call for Participants
If you could spare some time to help a fellow student with their dissertation research, please see below:
AIM of study: How Do Students Perceive The Impact Of Mental Health And Neurodiversity On Their Ability To Participate At University And Of The Support They Require?
Students are welcome to participate if they feel they have a mental health condition or any type of neurodiversity; it does not have to be clinically diagnosed by a professional, it can also be self-diagnosed or under investigation. However, students with a learning disability such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or dyscalculia will not be able to participate if they do not have an additional mental health condition or type of neurodiversity alongside as these specialist conditions require specific research.
More information and a consent form can be found in the attachments to this e-mail. If you would like to then complete the survey, please click here.
Best wishes,
President, Newman Students' Union
