Here for a quiet chat or shout from the rooftops. As a Students’ Union we represent the authentic view of the students, our representatives are ‘elected’ not ‘selected’. We are here to empower you to find your voice and we put the structures and systems in place to ensure your voice is heard at every level of the University and in the wider world.
Over the next three years we will focus on the following areas with Voice & Support:

- De-mystify University policies and procedures, ensuring ease of access for all students.
- Broaden our service to provide high-quality, impactful signposting to appropriate services and providers.
- Grow our Advice Service Team by recruiting and training a team of Student Advisers from the Newman student body.

- Ensure an active, well trained and supported Course Representative is recruited for every course offered at the University.
- Embed a uniformed recruitment and training programme for all
Academic Representatives.
- Enhance the Academic Representative experience, through tailored training , networking and development opportunities.

- Review our Governance Structure to establish Inclusion & Liberation Officers.
- Develop services, initiatives and events to meet the needs of students with caring and other responsibilities, to fit their timetables and expectations.

- Conduct a review and re-structure of the Union Governance structure, policies, procedures and constitution.
- Ensure our democratic processes are high-profile and accessible, attracting a diverse and representative range of candidates.

We will continue to amplify your voice on local and national issues that impact your time studying at Newman. We will ensure our student committee structures are open to all, to create a space for debate and discussion that influences the campaigning activity of the Union.
As a member of the National Union of Students, we will continue to champion the needs of Newman students at a national level and play an important role in shaping how the NUS work with Small and Specialist Unions.