How is Newman Students' Union Run?
Newman Students’ Union is a charitable organisation which exists to be the voice of Newman students, to empower them to achieve together and make a positive impact.
This section of the website aims to give you an overview of how the Union is governed. To find out more about the main committees of the Union and the consitutional documents, please click on the relevant links.
Our funding comes primarily from a Block Grant from the University, with the Students’ Union expected to report its impact against that funding annually. We are also regulated by the Education Act and the Charity Commission and submit annual Reports and Accounts as part of these duties. We have a Board of Trustees that is made up of five externals (lay trustees, one of which is a member of University staff), two students, two Sabbatical Officers and two part-time Executive Committee members.
Along with the Trustee Board, the Union has an Executive Committee, voted for by the student body to represent key areas of the Union’s activity. The Executive Committee work closely with the Staff of the Union to deliver on the priorities of the Student Body and ensure the Union is delivering the best opportunities, services and facilities for the students at Newman.
The Executive Committee report to the Student Forum, which acts as the ‘Parliament’ for Newman Students’ Union.
The Union is governed by a small set of important documents, setting out fundamental principles such as our charitable nature, membership and leadership structure. You can download and read our Constitution and Bye-Laws by clicking on the relevant section to the left.
Every student at Newman University is automatically a member of the Students’ Union, and therefore we must be representative of the diverse membership. This is always at the heart of what we do as an organisation.