Newman Students' Union is passionate about making sure that
everything that you do is powered by Student Voice. Whilst you are at Newman University, we want to make sure that your voice is the loudest and we want to empower you to use your voice to create change and make your University Experience the best that it can be.
We do this in a variety of different ways including:
- Getting involved in becoming a Course Representative.
- Becoming a Faculty Representative.
- Running in our elections to become an Officer within the Union - whether that is with a part time role alongside your studies or a full time roll after your studies or by taking a break and defering for a year to fufill the position.
- Coming along to one of our Student Forums or our annual AGM to hold your Executive Officers to account and talk about what you are passionate about.
- Getting involved in things that we are campaigning on.
We exist for and are led by YOU as students so make sure that you get involved and use your voice to make the most out of your time at Newman.
If you would like to find out more about how you can have your voice hard whilst you are at University then please contact our President (