Thank you for taking an interest in the 2025 SU Elections. This year we will be electing a full set of 12 Officers for the first time. 2 of those Officers will be Full-Time Officer Trustees (President & Vice-President), along with 10 Student Council Officer Positions.
Each of those positions presents a great opportunity to make a difference to the student experience at Birmingham Newman University, develop excellent transferable skills for the future and have a lot of fun along the way.
In this section of the website will find out all about the positions available, how to stand, campaign and the key dates to add to your diary now. You will also find details of who to contact in the Union if you would like to find out more about standing or if you need support during the election period. You can also download an Elections Guide, which has all of that information easily at hand.
Have a great election, whether you are a candidate, a supporter or voter!
What would you like to do now? Click the link below or to the side.
Nominations Close in:
Download the Election Guide 2025 below: